Went for my 2nd appointment @ the eye specialist with my mum,
Why am i there? ):
I've had a few bumps on my upper and lower eyelids,
and recently it getting very swollen and stuff,
so the doc ask me to do a minor eye procedure to remove them.
Ouch factor no. 1 :
The anesthetic jab on my upper eyelid + lower eyelid hurts like a BITCH!
My mummy bluff me, told me it's not gonna hurt, but when the needle went
into my eyelid my tears wanna fly out already.
Definitely more than an "ant's bite".
Ouch factor no. 2 :
They would have to FLIP over your eyelid,
which doesn't actually hurt that much, but it's just feels gross & ultra uncomfy.
Ouch factor no. 3 :
Obviously i have to open my eye throughout the whole process,
It's so gross to be able to see whatever she's doing,
I cringe everytime the doc brings a surgical knife near my eye,
i'll be like WOOOOOOUW woooouw...Careful woman!
Ouch factor no. 4 :
I was suppose to look down when the doc is doing my upper eyelid,
look up when she's doing my lower eyelid, so at one point of time
i accidentally look straight and i saw her holding a cotton pad completely soaked in my blood. OMG gross gross gross.
Hais, at the eye specialist at TTS hospital, all the waiting, sian!
Lol, my mum was playing with her fb account on MY phone,
leaves me with no entertain!!!
Waiting to take my medicine..
Pardon a makeup-less me!
A'HOY PEOPLE! I got to be a pirate for the next few days!Boooo.. the male nurse stick the eye patch until damn ugly.. Lol, so funny, after i was done with the procedure
my mummy & i, we were like busy taking pictures with my camera and my mum was taking pictures with her cell of me with my bandaged eye, fml.I caught a disapproving look from the nurse walking by.. hahaha!
Must be thinking, wtf? this mother-daughter siao or what!it's really troublesome cos my left eye's degree is much lower,
so i'm left with my right eye with higher degree,
everything i see is like really unclear!Mummy stayed home with me that night
cos she very scared i will fall down or hurt myself!
Lol, and i prove to be pretty good at being a 独眼龙,
Even peeled + cut apples and carrots for my guinea pigs
with one not so awesome eye! hahahaAhhh, came home from the hospital a found a package
for me from Urbanalised.. cheered me up alot! (:
Awww! Favourite rilakkuma! (:Will blog more my buys next week~
Boyf finaaaaally ended his reservist and came over to accompany me
and brought me some stuff i really neeeeeeded! Love you~
Lots of eye patches + bandage tape + hot/cold compress..
the doctor said my eyes is gonna be bruised,
wtf i thought the bruise is probably just a tiny one..
when my mum remove my eye patch to change a fresh one for the night,
turns out there's bruises on my ENTIRE under eyelid area
and abit on my upper eyelid. Looks like i kena punched.
Not a pretty sight. ):
FML, i'm working for an event on mon - thur somemore!
Hopefully the bruise goes away before that.
If not i'll look really lame?!
Going for a meeting this sunday and i'll look like an idiot
wearing sunnies in an indoors restaurant + no makeup. lol wtf.
Heheheh, boyf drew Rilakkuma on my bandage!
Sweet Min gave me that rilakkuma (:

The blood on my bandage when we removed it at night,
wtf? i thought the male nurse told me the bleeding stopped
when he bandaged it for me in the hospital? Why still got blood?!
The thought of my eye bleeding.. Ewww like some horror movie
just made me threw up in my mouth abit. :x
Went to Genting Highlands for a short 2D1N trip
with my ex-colleagues afew days after my birthday! (:
We booked thru grassland,
cost us only $100/pax for the hotel + coach ride.
upgraded our coach to the first class 20-seater, damn shiok!
Cannot even imagine if we're sitting the normal coach for a 6 hours journey!!!
That was the first day i dyed my hair BLACK!

Trying to get used to it..
People seemed very shock that i dyed my hair black all of the sudden,
truth is, i'm just very tired to maintain and touching up my roots
when i had like light brown hair..
We took the 9pm coach to Genting Highlands,
and only reached there at 3am. OMG.
It was soooooo cold when we got off the coach,
lol, the four of us was like, teeth chattering,
zipping up our hoodies to the max and walking
in a super quick pace from the coach terminal - first world hotel!
Yay, finally we're there! We actually had 2 rooms
but Min & I were too chicken to sleep alone. :x
In fact we don't even dare to walk in to switch on the lights,
Wtf fail. hahahas
Idk why, first world hotel just feels creepy to me..
the corridors are so quiet and super empty,
the room is kinda old with those LKK tv
like sadako might suddenly crawl out..
In the end we squeeze in one room with Jasmine & Anna! :x
5am and we couldn't sleep,
went to the 1-metre teh tarik shop @ the hotel lobby!
Super sweet and awesome teh tarik.
Went back to the hotel room and showered,
change to go for breakfast already!
Only slept for what, 2-3 hours in the coach that night?
tireeeeeeeeeed. -.-

Wore my glittery ribbon leggings i bought from hong kong,
but the glitters are falling off! ):

The view right outside our room.

Had breakfast at Marybrown's,
didn't have much appetite. ):

Bought tickets for the outdoor/indoor theme park,
it's 51 RM per person!

Lol, it's so funny, the 3 security guards looks SUPER stoned
they were just sitting there staring at the ride go past. wtf.
"eating snake" openly!

Hahahaha, you know how mummies always
carry the camera all over the place to take like GAZILLION random photos?
Jasmine was like the photographer mummy in the trip!
OMG the spiderman ride is crazy.
Yes it's DAMN FUN, But omg please lah.
After the ride i felt sick in the stomach for the next 30 mins or so!


LOL! I srsly dunno how i still can be smiling..
this was like right at the start at the ride..
I don't even remember smiling for the cam,
all i rmb was, "omg min.. omg min omg OMGGGGGGG"

Went to the mushroom farm for lunch,
The food there is cheeeeeeeap and good!
We went to visit the actual mushroom farm,i didn't know how the mushroom grew before,
but it's really GROSS!!!!
not at all cute like how i pictured it!!!
i actually considered to never touch mushrooms
forever after i saw the farm, so silly of me,
mushrooms is like one of my favourite food!
Aiyah, but the very next day i threw put that all out of my mind,and continue eating my favourite mushroom,
guess i'm pretty good at blocking disgusting memories.
It's weird but i don't really like to take pictures with mascots,
i feel that most of the time the "mascot" is like some tiko-peh lor,
like they always like to hug/squeeze you waaaay pass the comfort zone.
Just a nice short relaxing trip!
Last Saturday, I was invited to an event happening at Clark Quey!
Samsung being one of the main sponsers
for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympics,
came up with this brilliant idea of the Samsung Human Torch!
I think it's MAD awesome that
Singapore got to host the first ever Youth Olympics
I feel that the youth in Singapore are not really into sports
because since young we're not really exposed to such events.
Like, myself for an example, i'm ashamed to say i don't even know any
famous/popular sports person who originated from Singapore.
i've never even met any singaporeans
who wants to play sports professionally.
I really hope with Youth Olympics,
it'll be able to inspire & bring about a change
for the younger generation in Singapore!

Got our goodie bag from Samsung
and met up with all 9 other bloggers @ Brewerks.
The people from Samsung was giving us the run-down
of the Samsung Human Torch event
while we had some drinks and finger food.
Srsly singapore should not bother with outdoor seatings etc,
perspiring like MAD after walking from Merchant Court hotel
to Brewerks, which is probably a mere 500 metres away max?

The event is FINALLY starrrrting, how exciting. :D
We were at the VIP area when the mascots for YOG came by
and of cos i had to ask for a picture!
Lol, is it weird that i like those plushy webbed feets?
The event started with a BIG BANG with a performance by Bloco Singapura
it's hard not to get excited with the fire breathing performer/samba dancer!

WOOOOOT! We were just below the stage so
when he was doing that it felt pretty damn hot! hahaha
Shan Wee & Desiree was the emcee for the event!
So what's the whole point of the event?
What in the blue world is the Samsung Human Torch?
On Saturday, the Youth Olympic torch was finally lit in Greece..
.. thus to commemorate the event,
Samsung gathered 2010 students from a number of schools in singapore,
to light up their torches together at 20.10 pm
Curious see how does that look like? :P
Woot. No way i'm going up there.
It's about 5-7 storey's high and there's no railing, madness!
Lol, luckily we had cloudie who took the awesome pictures !
I'd like to present you, our GIANT HUMAN TORCH!!!
Well we counted down to 20.10pm and our HUMAN TORCH LIT UP!!
I mean.. this is amazingly beautiful in like an ancient way..
it just feels so magical, like we just went back in time.
... But look at this!
It's so crazy modern awesome, it represents modern singapore so well!
2010 students to form this Giant Human Torch, like srsly.. WOW!
there were some explosive pyrotechnics like right in front of us,
it was so loud! scared me half to death!!!
After the human torch was lit,
Singapore's idol Sezairi Sezali had a short performance.
It's so funny when he asked the 2010 students to come forward
cos he's not used to his audience being so far away from the stage
and they RAN like nobody's buisness towards him. :x
It's such a funny sight! See see seeee!
....and then there was this totally awesome dance performance
i want those confetti blowing like that during my wedding,
lol don't you think i makes everything look so happy and festive-y!
Woot. Found this in my goodie bag.
i AM part of Samsung Human Torch! (:
Thanks Samsung for creating such a wonderful evening for all of us!